Welcome to NOBO
The Nevada Organization of Building Officials (NOBO) is a nonprofit corporation representing the Building Officials from each jurisdiction throughout Nevada.
The goal of NOBO is to promote statewide uniformity on the adoption of construction codes by each jurisdiction within the State of Nevada. This goal will also help in developing consistent statewide interpretations of those codes thus providing better consistency in the application of these codes.
NOBO also has the ability to provide lobbying efforts for the legislative process as it relates to enhancing a safe, built environment and elevating the profession of building officials.
NOBO meetings are held at least twice each calendar year, alternating between the Nevada State Contractors Board at 8400 West Sunset Rd, Suite 150, Las Vegas, NV 89113, (702) 486-1100 and the Nevada State Contractors Board at 5390 Kietzke Lane, Suite 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 (775) 688-1141. These meetings are not open to the public.
Valarie Evans
NOBO President